REPORT MEETING -- 23rd November 2006

- Issues of the last meeting
1. Is it possible to “integrate” the project -patterns Istanbul- in the “citizen structure”?
Which strategy we should adopt to let understand the people the theoretical topics of the project?
Group suggestions:
- formalize some questions/interviews to the people living in the area we chose; work with the local tailors during the last part of the workshop (dress realization)
-communication through the t-shirts design
- a publication between the short term and the long term of the project (an example could be a city guide with insert of patterns sheet of the realised models)
- public discussions
suggestions are still developing
2. Approach of Kohran – how do you see Istanbul city?
- the problems of the suburb and minority groups of are not faced
- running into the culture of the stage and consume: great architecture great investment, great structure—but luck of infrastructure, no culture and sensibility of the constructions no real project behind
- importance of the culture on the “responsible development” of the city
- the project pattern Istanbul should focus its investigation on the social and cultural minorities (ex. Roman in Sulukule)
Reflections of the group:
- the value of the religion in the social and cultural development/decline (religion creates culture, form the culture, but closed in small groups of affiliation it also create isolation and isolated culture)
- what does it meant assumes the word “safety” to Istanbul; which are the visible changes relate to this issue
suggestions are still developing
3. maps, pattern, people, places, textiles 5 tools of application for the development of the project (the five legs to run)
3- Results of the meeting:
we are still focusing the field of investigation. According to the group present to the meeting the emerged suggestions are open to further reflections by email or through blog
we certainly forget some point sorry for that>>>>>>> Thank you again for your participation in the meeting; we are waiting for you tomorrow Thursday 28 November at 10.00 am at the Human Settlement – Nuruzia Sokak 23 (Beyoglu Is Merkese) tel 0555 598 4901
1- Schedule of time:
21th November – 9th December 2006: pre-phases of the group of work at Human Settlement’s office
2th December – 10th December 2006: intensive week of work of the group with the support of Love Difference (Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto)
22nd December 2006: final event-presentation (to be defined)
2- Issues of the last meeting
How we can create a pattern starting from the observation of a topographic map/or thematic map
Meaning of creation of a legend based on the identification and investigation of the topics chosen
Start of investigation of the territory where the phenomenon of the own topics is mostly felt
Redraw the map according to the new legend. The lines that ideally cut the territory will underline a shape that will be used for the construction of the pattern.
Availability in terms of dates and times for every participant (happy breakfast or happy hour?)
Role of Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto e Love Difference during the workshop (2th/ 10th December) they will mediate the group helping to investigate the phases related to the exploration of the thematic and elaboration of the map, and to the systematization of the result obtained
3- Results of the meeting:
As was understood from everybody, we absolutely need to define the place of investigation and the topic we like to approach (of course can be different from person to person or from group to group), for this reason we asked for the next meeting if Khorhan could make a short introduction on the thematic of the city for him important.
It will be from my point of view essential to define the availability in terms of dates and times for every participant to next period and to the 2th/ 10th December workshops
Veri nice blog. I liked it.
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