05 December 2006 --Cezayir- Istanbul

1 transformation of urban uses
1.1 changing of the roads (work in progress)
1.2 has changed the use of the area
1.3 from a cultural function to a turistic-commercial function
2 political memory
2.1 old keys = red keys on the door: the memory of the invisible and continuous greek "diaspora"
2.2 cultural mixture: social cross point
2.3 waiting line for passport to expatriate
2.4 minorities vs mass
2.5 political meeting point for demonstration and protest
2.6 it is forbidden to meet in Taksim
2.7 personal memories about political event in this area
3 sound
3.1 from loud music to silence
3.2 sound map
3.3 noise and music sound everywhere
4 to enjoy and to buy
4.1 everybody can find something
4.2 luxury, cheap things, food, fun, music sound, music for free
5 the essential
5.1 in a crowded and busy place you cannot find the essential
5.2 overload of commercial information vs an empty facade
6 signs
6.1 a floor patchwork (full of textures, like a "melange")
7 Taksim borders
7.1 where's Taksim
7.2 Taksim is not only the square (+ Istiklal cad.)
9 Taksim by night and by day
9.1 by day people who doesn't live here
9.2 by night, drugs, alcool
9.3 a place funny and attractive
10 different perceptions
10.1 passing through vs the experience
10.2 an intimate space into an open space
11 global shops and local sellers
11.1 informal shop different faces of Istikal
11.2 informal activities
11.3 the roman flowers sellers (a permanent unofficial activity)
12 everything beats as an heart
12.1 fun, crowd, busy people
13 "mask" hiding something
13.1 Huge signboard that hide something (a church)
14 kaos
14.1 i like the kaos of Taksim
14.2 Taksim is related to the caos
14.3 place of kaos
15 entertainment
15.1 catch the life
15.2 entertainment places = Taksim
15.3 entertainment center
16 share something
16.1 a place in wich share something
16.2 share moments
17 fluxes
17.1 people passing through taksim square and don't live there
17.2 transport
17.2.1 Taksim is the square (bus stop and transport)
17.2.2 fluxes transportation
17.2.3 taksim is transportation
18 Taksim is a web or an octopus
18.1 personal memories and sign around Taksim (spider's web)
18.2 Taksim (something larger than the square) is like an octopus with different colors
Ciao Bernardo! Ho appena conosciuto Chiara Cardinali, qui a Cittadellarte, con la quale abbiamo parlato di te! Ieri ho assistito alla presentazione del Workshop che hai svolto a Istambul e mi è molto piaciuto, davvero interessante! So che verrai qui a Biella a Gennaio e mi piacerebbe incontrarti,io sono Arianna e mi trovo qui come stagista. Anche io ho cominciato a lavorare con i tessuti e il vestito e mi interessa molto l'aspetto del vestito così come l'hai affrontato tu...
A presto allora e ancora complimenti!
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